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BBQ2U is an official partner of the Tacoma Rescue Mission. BBQ2U is currently taking 50 to 60 pounds of raw ground brisket to the kitchen each week. We also are deliver 10 gallons of Chili on a monthly basis.  We are also beginning a relationship with Mary Bridge Hospital for ongoing fundraising and more. 

There are many small businesses and organizations we love and support. Here is just a partial list:

The Key Club

Gig Harbor Kiwanis

Peninsula High School

Local Pierce County Authors: DL Gardener, Ann Putnam, DD Black, EC Murray, David Martin, Connie Connally, Pat Stricklin, Bob Ingram, May Jaffee, John Shoemaker, Sara Graham and more!

Would you like to be a part of our author's corner or have BBQ2U donate funds to your organization. Fill out our Contact Us form and if it sounds like a fit, we will contact you!